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Allegheny & Western
Photo Gallery - page 4 > Image 27
Image 27 of 47
On a large model railroad like the A&W, the DCC busses run upwards of 100 feet long. This makes them prone to picking up electronic noise from the surrounding environment, and reflections of the signal within the bus itself. Compare the shape of the signal here versus the previous photo. This shot shows a large spike of noise-induced voltage at the leading edge of the DCC signal waveform, which can lead to poor locomotive response performance to control command changes, and possible damage to decoders. This problem is eliminated by installing a simple resistor-capacitor “snubber” within each individual bus. This noisy wave was created by removing the existing snubber on that track’s bus. This is an issue only on large layouts, and generally is not at all a concern for the average home DCC layout.



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West Island Model Railroad Club 2017